Sunday, September 28, 2014

First Problem Solving

There was a change on Friday's class, we worked with peers on a Folding problem. We were asked to take out a strip of paper and fold it with its left end on top of right end, then repeat this several times trying to find the creases pattern. I folded the strip, and my partner recorded the creases. At the beginning, the problem seemed complicated and the record of ups and downs wasn't that helpful. After a brief discussion, we decided to change our way  to record how exactly each fold added creases to the strip like this:

It's easy to find the pattern now.
Copy the arrows from the previous row and there will always be an up, a down, an up, a down, an up, a down... in the intervals. Besides, the left side and right side is symmetrical.

We predicted the pattern after the fifth fold first,  then folded again. And it turned out as we expected.  When we saw the hints on the other side, we knew our method was correct.

The experience of working with a peer in class was valuable. I hope there will be more classes like that.

I've been trying to write a program in python this weekend, but with only a few week's python classes, I found it really challenging. Maybe I'll drop in office hours next week.

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